IT Support Is More Than Just Insurance

Thu 03 May, 2018

In a previous blog article, we turned to look at the rise of technology in schools, and examined some potential futures and consequences. As schools and technology become more and more integrated, it is vital to now analyse the importance of IT support for schools.

Technology is here to stay, with easy, engaging tools ready for the classroom. EdTech magazine draws attention to a NUITEQ infographic, which describes how technology helps students retain information, increases their research opportunities, allows distance learning, and provides quicker and easier ways to discuss their work. However, at the same time, the graphic displays how many schools may have insufficient Internet for their technological needs.

Of course, it is not to be expected that every teacher will naturally understand the ins-and-outs of every new technological device. This is why it is important to have professionals on hand that can advise your future and maximise the potential of technology. It can be hard to adapt to new software and systems, and IT support should be there to help you feel confident that you know what you are doing, and that you have the best infrastructure to support it.

Additionally, as new technology is introduced into your school, it can be hard to keep up with the possible problems you can run into. With such expensive investments, it is not wise to risk problems that can be incredibly hard to solve. If you are looking to bring more technology into your school, it is vital that they are functional, protected, and secure. IT support for schools is crucial for helping identify and solve any problems that occur - without proper support, issues could take time away from lessons, teachers, and students.

In the worst case scenario, having technology that isn’t secure could lead to sensitive data being vulnerable to malicious attacks. In light of the changing data-protection laws, it is vital that this does not happen, and your school is safe and secure. Initial prevention is always better than a cure, in order to protect data, and save time, confusion, and possibly even money.

Related article: What Are the GDPR Implications for Schools?

IT support for schools, then, is vital for protecting your devices, and ensuring that you can truly embrace the technological age with confidence.

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If your school is in need of high-quality IT support, get in touch with us. Alternatively, have a read through some of our other blogs for more information and advice.